Canadian Clean Energy Conferences
Canadian Clean Energy Conferences aims to create project opportunities for the renewables industry through world-class business-to-business events. Our Ottawa based team of five includes PhD level researchers who create exactly the right agenda necessary for successful meetings that help underpin successful renewable procurement programs. We are unburdened by corporate sponsors or technology-specific influences, our summits stand-or-fall on the quality of the agenda and the people we attract.
We established the company in 2010 to support the Ontario Green Energy and Economy Act. Over the last 5 years we have worked closely with all the key stakeholders of the program – from government ministers through to protesting farmers – to deliver the annual meeting place for Ontario’s procurement program. To support the Nova Scotia renewables procurement and COMFIT program we ran events in Halifax in 2011 and 2012 that provided the key information sharing point of the program. While we are wholly pro green energy, our events are respected for covering all the major issues in a balanced and informed way.
In the past two years we have developed a series of Energy and Mines events the aim of which are to create project opportunities for renewables in the mining sector. In Canada, we have worked with, and for, the major industry associations – e.g. CanSIA, CanWEA, APPrO, OSEA – who regularly speak at and support our events. Our expertise, ethos and professionalism has helped us make the right connections to create and develop events that further renewables projects in Canada and across the world.